Follow the instructions below to install the newsletter-demo on your own server.
If you need help contact us on our mailing list.
First install required packages and configure your server, see example configuration for ubuntu.
#clone kwf-newsletter-demo git clone git:// cd kwf-newsletter-demo #create directory for file uploads mkdir uploads #set permissions chmod a+w uploads cache temp log log/* cache/* #clone koala framework git clone git:// kwf-lib #clone required libraries git clone git:// library #set path to libraries echo "library/zend/%version%" > kwf-lib/include_path #set database connection echo "[production]" > config.local.ini echo " = localhost" >> config.local.ini echo "database.web.username = yourdbusername" >> config.local.ini echo "database.web.password = yourdbpassword" >> config.local.ini echo "database.web.dbname = yourdbname" >> config.local.ini #setup: create initial database structure php bootstrap.php setup
Now open the backend http://kwf-newsletter-demo.local/admin and login with username demo(kwfat)koala-framework(kwfdot)org password: demo
To actually send out the newsletter you need the following cronjob being executed every minute:
* * * * * php /var/www/kwf-newsletter-demo/bootstrap.php newsletter --timeLimit=55